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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

FRESNO ART MUSEUM, Sat. 5/30- 1pm and 3pm

Gearing up for the screenings at the FRESNO ART MUSEUM, in the Bonner Auditorium, Sat. 5/30, at 1pm and 3pm. I'm especially looking forward to sharing the microphone with Daniel Dixon, son of Maynard Dixon and Dorothea Lange. This will be the first time that we've seen each other since we won the Spur Award last year for the script that we wrote together. We'll be taking questions from the audience at the end of the first screening.

I've already written a post about this event below, but they've now added screenings of my friend Meg Partridge's films about her father, Rondal Partridge, on Friday, 5/29 at 4pm. "Pave it and Paint it Green" and "Outta My Light!" are both wonderfully entertaining films filled with Rondal's incredible photography, and an intimate glimpse into his unique world. He's wry and clever and his approach to photography is a pleasure to witness. Meg and Rondal will be on hand for a Q&A after the films, how cool is that? Take my word for it, this is one fascinating, multi-talented family. Their humor and wonderful stories about their adventures and many colorful friends is something you do not want to miss!

All these fun opportunities, and the opening of the wonderful exhibit of A.P. Hays collection of Dixon paintings, drawings and ephemera. This is going to be memorable!