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Thursday, November 12, 2009

NEVADA MUSEUM OF ART-Thurs. Nov. 19th-6pm

I'm really looking forward to screening at the Nevada Museum of Art next Thursday. John Dixon and his wife Lee hope to join me, weather permitting. We had a great conversation about Maynard Dixon's love of Nevada, his many trips to Carson City and their family trips to Anita Baldwin's cabin at Fallen Leaf Lake. The museum has some fine paintings by Dixon, the one above is titled "Edge of the Amargosa Desert, 1927", and is on display upstairs at the museum.

John will join me for a conversation after the screening of the film. We always share lots of laughs with the audience! I hear that there will be many Dixon experts in attendance, which is always a pleasure for us. We learn that someone grew up with a Dixon painting over their bed, or that their Mother received one as a wedding gift from Maynard. Many wish to comment on Dixon's talent, his palette and extraordinary perspective. It's all wonderful conversation! Maynard was a colorful and witty man, opinionated, with a wicked sense of humor. When these stories emerge, these evenings become great fun!

We hope to visit Lake Tahoe on this trip, and will spend some time at the Tallac historic cabin/museum that still remains on the South Shore. Dixon once produced a brochure for the Tallac resort hotel, which burned years ago. John remembers a summer on the lake with his brother and Imogen Cunningham's twin sons. His most vivid memory is backing into the pot belly stove!

Please join us in Reno if you have a chance. Thursday, Nov. 19th, 6pm- 8pm.

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